

Braids - Lemonade, what not to love about either Braids or Lemonade?

Feral House Nichoir by Matali Crasset

I wrote about Matalli Crasset before. Now she will build four Feral Houses). The first of these houses, which opens for public use on July 16, is called Le Nichoir – The Birdhouse. Crasset claims that it will help us “humbly confront ourselves with the forest to understand and discern its being.” But for all the sappy verbiage that surrounds it, Le Nichoir turns out to be delightfully unsentimental.
These feral homes are ecological hotel rooms offering basic and embryonic comfort. Combinations of acacia wood, Douglas pines and galvanized steel blend into the landscape, camouflaged in nature and the securing undergrowth shadows which slowly appear. Matali points out that “These lightweight structures are foundation-free and can be moved around the forest without harming nature or upsetting the ecosystem”.


Ken Russell's Teddygirls
Teddy girls (also known as Judies) choice of clothes wasn’t only for aesthetic effect: these girls were collectively rejecting post-war austerity. They were young working-class women, often from Irish immigrant families who had settled in the poorer districts of London — Walthamstow, Poplar and North Kensington. They would typically leave school at the age of 14 or 15, and work in factories or offices. Teddy Girls spent much of their free time buying or making their trademark clothes. It was a head-turning, fastidious style from the fashion houses, which had launched haute-couture clothing lines realling the Edwardian era.

Things Organized Neatly

KK outlet

I kind of think I need me some of this

some psychedelic hypno-groove melodies by Tame Impala

simply good, Tame Impala make psychedelic hypno-groove melodic rock music

de Parade - still travelling de Randstad, catch it while you can

de Parade is a travelling theatre festival in the Netherlands, every year on the move from Rotterdam to Den Haag to Utrecht and ends in Amsterdam

Rotterdam Museumpark 16-26 june
Den Haag Westbroekpark 1-10 july
Utrecht Moreelspark 15-31 july
Amaterdam M.L. Kingpark 5-21 august

favourite photographs by Ditte Isager

some photographs by Danish born New York based photographer Ditte Isager 

Master of Style: Chloë Sevigny

No one really can live up to the sense of style Chloë Sevigny calls her own. And not just in her fabulous original dressing but also in the decoration of her house which was published in House and Garden amongst others. Some photographs are via Lele Saveri
I keep bumping in to this lady in NY and Manchester and am therefore quite sure we must be on the same 'style-wave' - if only....
off course there is Chloë Sevigny  for Opening Ceremony and a huge back catalogue of films, and the modelling on the side

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